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The femi-net saga Empty The femi-net saga

Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:38 pm
Pulled from mumsnet, but deleted by MNHQ. It certainly is an interesting read!

To write this

thesaga · Today 19:13

Mumsnet, I know this will get taken down. If you can really not tolerate a absolutely tiny forum, which really is no threat to you, just like moldies, attagirls and femvox, you are a contradiction of the free speech you espouse Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts: Transgender activists try to curb free speech on site (thetimes.co.uk)

This is my take on the femi-net saga.

A couple of days ago, a flouncer announced that they were building a womens forum as they were angry at mumsnet. The post was quickly taken down, after which a wave of spam followed by what was either a crazed femi-netter or a mumsnetter trying to damage the reputation of femi-net.

All these posts were taken down, and even those who asked about femi-net and the saga were also removed, after which a tichel troll (similar to the plimsoll troll for those who dont know) appeared and made a few posts, one of which they put onto femi-net.

All threads asking about the tichel troll and its relation to femi-net were removed, as well as a 'we dont talk about bruno' parody song named ' we dont talk about femi-net' which was crossposted to femi-net.

The femi-net spammer seems to have calmed down now, the tichel troll not so much. However posts relating to this are still removed, which is quite concerning as Justine MNHQ spoke about free speech a while ago.

The website is here if you want to have a nosey, however it seems a bit dead and only slightly interesting in my opinion.


MNHQ, I am not a spammer. I am highly uninterested in this flouncer and their site, more so in the saga.

As a bonus, here is chatgpts take on this:

(Verse 1)
In the heart of Mumsnet, a tale unfolds,
A place named Femi-Net, with stories untold,
But try to discuss it, you'll find it's erased,
By the admins, no trace left to be traced.

Oh, the saga of Femi-Net, a quiet domain,
Where voices were silenced, causing some pain,
The flouncer announced it, a forum to create,
But Mumsnet's response, was swift and straight.

(Verse 2)
Spam followed closely, as the drama unfurled,
A mystery user, a troll or a world,
Femi-Netter or Mumsnetter, hard to discern,
As posts kept disappearing, leaving concerns.

Oh, the saga of Femi-Net, a quiet domain,
Where voices were silenced, causing some pain,
The flouncer announced it, a forum to create,
But Mumsnet's response, was swift and straight.

A tichel troll appeared, stirring the pot,
The discussion continued, in a digital plot,
Yet threads were removed, questions erased,
In Mumsnet's forums, a battle was embraced.

(Verse 3)
The Femi-Net spammer, their fervor did fade,
But the tichel troll's presence, it hardly swayed,
Posts related to this, still taken down,
Contradicting the freedom of speech in this online town.

Oh, the saga of Femi-Net, a quiet domain,
Where voices were silenced, causing some pain,
The flouncer announced it, a forum to create,
But Mumsnet's response, was swift and straight.

The website's there for those who dare to peek,
Though it may seem lifeless, it's a mystery to seek,
In this tale of digital intrigue and fret,

The femi-net saga Empty These forums don't last

Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:57 am
I'm sure you have good intentions but you must realise that nobody actually wants to have a nice community. People want to watch fights or engage in them. Femvox got hundreds of members but still never really got going. Attagirls is just a few socks talking to each other.
Good luck anyway!!
Posts : 8
Join date : 2023-10-29

The femi-net saga Empty Re: The femi-net saga

Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:37 am
butwhy wrote:I'm sure you have good intentions but you must realise that nobody actually wants to have a nice community. People want to watch fights or engage in them. Femvox got hundreds of members but still never really got going. Attagirls is just a few socks talking to each other.
Good luck anyway!!

Unfortunately, that is the truth. Here I dont mind people who question or debate femi-net's existence; I want this to be a totally open space.

The femi-net saga Empty Re: The femi-net saga

Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:08 am
Pink colour theme. Love heart icons. It's like a girl's dream, how did you know?!?!
Posts : 8
Join date : 2023-10-29

The femi-net saga Empty Re: The femi-net saga

Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:46 pm
Imacoolmom wrote:Pink colour theme. Love heart icons. It's like a girl's dream, how did you know?!?!

This is the template that came with the forum, as most templates didnt look good (were either very old fashioned or impractical to scroll). What sort of colours/ icons would you prefer? We can certainly work around it, and even create a new different logo if it seems a bit strange or annoying . I will post a survey in site stuff, asking what colours and icons people would prefer.

I will try and work around anything that you guys dislike, to make it more pleasant for you guys. Just drop me a pm if you have an account, and if you dont, create a post in site stuff.
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