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To be annoyed at ex? Empty To be annoyed at ex?

Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:27 am
A few weeks ago I split up with mypartner due to him cheating on me with my colleague, now today I got an apologetic voice message, him asking if I could let him back in to my life, that maybe we could try again? This just boiled my blood. Hes a cheating pig, why should I want him back?

To be annoyed at ex? Empty Re: To be annoyed at ex?

Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:28 am
You have all the right to be annoyed at him . Looks like things arent going too well for him with your coworker though!

To be annoyed at ex? Empty Re: To be annoyed at ex?

Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:30 am
Came here to say that he is a prick to even want you back, this isnt rent-a-gal.
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To be annoyed at ex? Empty Re: To be annoyed at ex?

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