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Women in the media Empty Women in the media

Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:03 pm
Discussing the representation of women in movies and TV shows. What needs to change? The media has a significant influence on our perceptions of women. Let's discuss the portrayal of women in media and what changes are needed to promote more positive and diverse representations.

Women in the media Empty Re: Women in the media

Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:04 pm
I think it's high time we see a shift in the way women are portrayed in media. Too often, female characters are limited to clichéd roles or are objectified. We need more complex, multi-dimensional female characters who break free from stereotypes.

Women in the media Empty Re: Women in the media

Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:55 pm
Something that's driving me mad at the moment is men audiobook narrators. So many do a hideous high, slightly whispers voice for any/all female characters,  no difference between characters, moods or emphasis. Robert Glennister is a notable exception.  He manages to make Robert Galbraith's characters seem like real people.
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